I can't tell you how many times I've heard the phrase "Good things come to those who wait." or "Everything good is worth waiting for." Those type of phrases. I am not necessarily arguing against those words of wisdom, but I just need to say . . . It's hard to wait!!
There are several things lately, that I've been waiting on and for. On the outside, I may appear calm and patient and in many ways I am (patient anyway, not gonna try and claim calm lol). You see, throughout my life, I have always had to wait for things. I have never had things handed to me. I've had to work hard. It has not always been pleasant or easy, but it has taught me that I can make do without things. So, even though I do not enjoy waiting, I guess you could say I am used to it.
Today, I was thinking, "Okay, Lord, if you're trying to teach me about patience, I get it!! Let's move on to something else please!!" And then I chuckled at myself. Just the fact that I am having this conversation with God shows that I have actually not yet learned the lesson of patience that He wants me to learn. You see, I'm already eager for God to commence with the instant gratification and leave off from the waiting game. The Bible says:
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." ~ Isaiah 40:31
God has a reason that He wants me to keep waiting, so I will keep waiting. I will use the time given to me to "renew my strength"; to prepare myself--mentally, spiritually, emotionally--for whatever it is that is coming my way--good or bad. God already knows what it is and He is asking me to wait so that I will be best prepared. He is ready to prepare me for it. God knows exactly what I need and why I need it.
"One day at a time" The older I become, the more this makes sense to me. It does us no good to worry about tomorrow. We need to worry about today. Do what is necessary for today and tomorrow will take care of itself. God gives us grace sufficient for that day. He knows just what we need.
I can't help but be reminded of The Lord of the Rings. (By the way, if you're unaware of my geekiness, then you've obviously never read my blog before) ;) But it's something that Gandalf says early in The Fellowship of the Ring.
"A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."
The same can be said of God. Maybe His timeline doesn't match ours. But that doesn't mean he is late or early. Whatever God does is good and right and His timing is perfect. So much better than ours. Our finite minds cannot see all ends and sometimes we cannot see how something in our lives can possibly be for our own good, but God sees what is coming and He knows better than we do.
So maybe you're sitting there and you're thinking "I am soooo tired of waiting. I'm ready for my life to begin." Well, you know what? I think someone once said "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." So go on out there and start doing what you know to do. Maybe you're waiting for a significant other. Maybe you're waiting for a better job. Maybe you're waiting for God's healing hand on you. Maybe you're waiting for better times all around. Just keep taking it one day at a time and praying and asking God to guide you and make the path clear for you. He will lead you, if you let Him.
One thought I wanna leave you with is this. "God wants the best for your life." Just remember that. God loves you and wants what's best. Carry that thought in your heart and you will have a smile on your face. :)