As some of you know, I've had some financial troubles recently. Things were not great to begin with but they got even worse after I had to take my cat to the Vet ER (That's a story for another time.). Anyway, because of the ordeal with my cat and then some bills that automatically are withdrawn from my bank account, I became overdrawn. So then even after I got paid, I still was left with hardly any money at all because I was stuck paying stupid overdraft fees. So today, I braved all and went to my bank website to see if I actually had any money. I admit I was too scared to look before. (I haven't used my card since Saturday.) To my surprise, I have $4!!
These days four dollars doesn't buy what it used to. I could buy one gallon of gas (that IS depressing, ok moving on). I could buy four Pepsi's from the vending machine at work. I could buy four McChicken sandwiches from McDonalds or two sandwiches and two drinks. I gotta say, I have never been so happy to see four dollars as I was to see that tonight. No, it isn't much, but "Little is much when God is in it." and I am trusting Him that four dollars is going to see me through. If He could increase the widow's oil, He can certainly sustain me.
This past week I've been noticing that the brakes on my car are really bad. But due to the afore mentioned situation, I won't be able to get them fixed for a while. I was actually getting a little scared driving my car, but felt like I had no other option, but to drive it. So today, God took that choice away from me. My car simply did not start this morning. I sorta think it was God's way of letting me know I am NOT to be driving that car. Is it highly inconvenient? You bet, but am I relieved not to be driving it? Absolutely.
Will I be financially "out of the woods" anytime soon? Probably not, but God knows what's going to happen and there are worse things than having no money. Like having no job or having no food or no one who loves you. It's all about your perspective.
P.S. This last picture came up when I searched Google images for "four dollars" and it struck me so funny, that I wanted to share it. Has anyone actually seen this movie? lol Also, my four dollars are not looking for vengeance.
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