Sunday, October 3, 2010

Family Day

Yesterday was amazingly awesome! We got up at 4:30 a.m. (not so awesome) and drove down to Dayton, OH to visit my brother, Tyler.  My parents had not seen Tyler's apartment yet, so they got to see it.  And for the first time since Tyler's been at UD, I got to take an extensive tour of the buildings.  The campus is an old one and there are many interesting buildings.
This building was originally used as a dormitory.  Tyler said the people who lived here could watch the UD football games from their windows.  However, the dorm burned down and had to be rebuilt.  Since it was rebuilt it has not been used as a dorm.
We also got to meet a couple of Tyler's roommates.  His roommate, Austin, is also in ROTC.  We saw him briefly, but his roommate, John, hung out with us and ate lunch with the family.  He seems pretty nice.  Mama made Chicken Cheese Tortilla soup which was perfect for the kind of cold, rainy day we had yesterday.

Orville Wright's grave
After our campus tour, we decided we wanted to tour the Woodland Cemetery.  It is an extremely old cemetery and we knew that the Wright Bros., Orville and Wilbur, and Erma Bombeck were buried there.  We ended up finding their graves and traipsing throughout the cemetery all afternoon.  I know it sounds weird, but we had so much fun in the cemetery! haha

This was a large obelisk type monument that probably stood about 30 feet in the air.
There is so much you can learn in a graveyard.  Of course, we've all heard of people like Orville and Wilbur Wright, but there were some people who, though unheard of, had obviously made a large contribution to this country and it's evolution throughout their lifetime.  Like this fellow, John Alexander Collins.  I've never ever heard of him, and yet this monument for him talks about how heavily he was involved with the railroads.  This kind of history fascinates me.

We finished up the day just hanging with Tyler in his apartment.  Eating more soup and watching major league baseball on tv.  Then came the lovely 5-hour drive home . . . Okay, so it is quite a long trip, but in the long run, totally worth it to spend some quality time with my very awesome brother, Tyler.

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